Suzannah Lim (Lic Ac. MBAcC)

Hi, I’m Suzannah. I have spent over 15 years exploring health, healing, human nature and what it means to be truly embodied. I have found that there is no one size fits all approach when it comes to healing, so although Acupuncture is the primary tool with which I work, I incorporate a variety of different methods and techniques using intuitive guidance for the individual.

My aim in practise is to assist you on your journey inwards. Exploring the depths of ourselves is a process of discovery in which one can find a sense of personal power, freedom, peace and joy in being through a fundamental reconnection to the body. I am passionate about holding space for each individual to dive deep in an environment of trust, safety and loving compassion.

I have a special interest in psychosomatic manifestations of mental and emotional issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, grief, existential crises, childhood trauma, loss, loneliness, eating disorders and addiction. I effectively treat a wide range of acute and chronic conditions (digestive, sleep, pain, emotional, allergies, women’s health) using ancient acupuncture techniques and modalities.

Training & Qualifications

  • Licentiate of Acupuncture from the International College of Oriental Medicine(3 years), attained a First Honours and an award for academic excellence (2018-2021)

  • Extensive Yoga and Qi Gong training including Yin (Sebastian Pucelle), Hatha (Adya & Velan), Ashtanga (TYP), Calligraphy Qi Gong (Master Zhen Hua Yang), Five elements and five animals Qi Gong (Tevia Feng)

  • Reiki Level 1&2 with Brighitta Moser-Clark

  • BSc Psychology Leeds University (2006 - 2009)

  • Member of the British Acupuncture Council

  • Volunteer projects: Auricular Acupuncturist for Grenfell Tower (2019-2020) and JRS (2021-2022)

  • Auricular Acupuncturist for the Long Covid Program by Lisa Baum (2022)

Current Training/Projects

  • Daoist Acupuncture Apprenticeship with Phillip Weeks, Darren Rose & Hung Tran (March 2023 - September 2024)

  • Face Reading with Lillian Bridges (2020 - current)

  • Volunteer acupuncturist at St Joseph’s Hospice

©2023 by Suzannah Lim, Artwork by Victoria Lim